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What is more harmful... illegal marijuana... legal alcohol


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Getting drunk can get you in way more trouble than getting high (not talking legally here).

The effects of a joint wear off quicker than alcohol.

Cannabis won't give you a hang over.

Generally speaking, MJ has more benefits than alcohol.


The major criticism I have towards weed, is that you stop dreaming/remembering your dreams.

Also the fact that cannabis is considered to be a drug and it's illegality makes it also a gate way drug. This would be less of an issue if it was as accepted as alcohol consumption.


As towards pothead haters: nobody simply taught you how to smoke/appreciate it.


In any case, both substances should be consumed with care and moderation!

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I'm not sure you guys are phrasing this right:


"which is better for you" - well, neither, they are both bad for you.


"which has most benefits" - well, they will both get you high - that, as far as I am aware, is the only benefit of either.


If you mean:


" which is worse for you" - well, in moderation, probably the weed, because it is uncontrolled and often mixed with a load of other shit that is quite bad for you. It is known to be a cause of lung cancer even in moderation. it is also usually ingested with a considerable quantity of tobacco, so you also get nicotine addiction, and the health issues associated with smoking fags.

You may think it doesn't give you a hangover, because if you smoke/drink regularly, you don't know what it's like to wake up feeling 100%. However, for a person who does not regularly partake, an evening of just cannabis will leave you feeling pretty ropey in the morning, and fairly spaced out for quite a few days.


Furthermore, the weed that is being produced now is in a different league to that from even 6 or 7 years ago, and is so mind bendingly strong that I'd be amazed if it didn't lead to mental health issues, paranoia, lack of confidence etc etc, which have long term effects on how your life pans out/ careers etc.




Trust me, I have done plenty of 'research' in both fields.


Not saying don't do either - just do it in moderation, and don't kid yourself that either are good for you or offer any benefits other than getting high.

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Mj has the usual psychotropic effect if taken in a large volume or over an extended period(can make you mental). There is also paranoia and the fact you are inhaling smoke which is never good for you.

Tbh it would help one he'll of a lot if things were regulated like in Amsterdam as the police wouldn't have to waste their time with the organised gangs growing this stuff

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But on the flip side.....


What about all the famous works of art, music, literature and paintings etc that have been created by artists renowned for heavy drug use - it's likely that these may have never been created.... So perhaps there are some benefits.


Mozart, Jim Morrison, Lowry, Van Gough, Miles Davis, Pink Floyd, Dali, Charles Dickens, Sigmund Freud, Hendrix, John Lennon etc etc etc....


Sadly most of those responsible for the creative works of drug induced genius died pretty young. Can't imagine why. 27 seems a popular choice.

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in moderation almost anything can be good for you, in excess very bad.


i come from a family were drink was the main thing and i've seen the bad side of it first hand.

I'm sure if alchohol was discovered in todays times of 'its bad, ban it' it would be banded outright.


On the other side of things i used recreational drugs in my late teens til my mid twenties and i can understand why people take them. Are they bad, sure. Did it stop me, hell no. But i wouldn't go down the same road again.

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in moderation almost anything can be good for you, in excess very bad.



Bit too sweeping, that statement Chris. This is Etchy don't forget. He's probably got stuff lined up awaiting approval. I can't see that applying to many substances eg heroin, poison ivy and shed loads of everyday things. Domestos.

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I'd rather smoke than drink. These days I dont do either very often at all.

Seems proper weed is hard to come by these days. It's all mutated extremely high thc skunk and ya end up spending hours staring at nothing and struggling to tie ya shoelaces. :D


Don't regret doing all the stuff I did in my youth. Had some great times but decided enough was enough and I said my goodbyes and moved on.

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Having been a dealer (bar manager!) for many years I firmly believe that alcohol is the worst of the two.


Neither is "good" for you, although both can be useful in moderation, either for anti-stress effects or simply for fun, that's why people take them generally.


Yup, cannabis certainly is an aggravation factor when it comes to mental health, I've seen plenty of people who have overdone it and ended up with some pretty serious problems. Ditto alcohol, although I reckon [citation-needed] that alcohol is more dangerous because of the physical effects.


The gateway drug argument: most people who go on to use heroin also drink alcohol, take caffeine etc. Just because there's a correlation between cannabis use and later heroin use doesn't mean one causes the other. All heroin addicts drank milk as babies, therefore milk makes you a heroin addict. QED.


The other issue that's bugging me is people who think it's fine to drive when they're stoned. "Oh, but it makes me a more careful driver" is the usual argument, but if you need a joint to drive carefully then you shouldn't be on the road, full stop. I'm well aware of what both drugs do, and they're as dangerous as each other if you're under the influence behind the wheel.

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thats why i put 'almost' in there... the original post i put didn't have that in.. re-read it and thought 'hmmm, could be taken out of context'.


wandering if Etchy has a line of Wazabie ready :eek:


i for one (i know me+2 other people) that have never smoked not even one puff of a 'normal' cigarette in my life... but i often go down the wrong street whilst clubbing (no bisexual pun intended)... i don't see weed smokers puking everywhere and making a fool falling over in clubs etc... i do alcohol infused ravers...


just made me wonder, that is all.

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The gateway drug argument: most people who go on to use heroin also drink alcohol, take caffeine etc. Just because there's a correlation between cannabis use and later heroin use doesn't mean one causes the other. All heroin addicts drank milk as babies, therefore milk makes you a heroin addict. QED.


Smoking weed, takes off the "taboo" of what drugs "are".

If I (and it most likely goes for most everybody) had never smoked weed, the idea of trying anything els would have never crossed my mind.

Smoking weed doesn't mean you're gonna try heroin at some point. You're taking it to extremes there: I hunt; you start by hunting smaller wild life: rabbits, pigeons and so on. You then progress to animals that are more challenging and impressive: deers & boars. But at no point will I start going on safaris and have a go at elephants, lions or even humans?!


But having tried weed, will mean you might be willing sooner or later to try something els if situation fits. So yes weed might lead you to try nitrous oxide, opium, x, mdma, coke, lsd and what not at some point or another. But education and your right mind shouldn't lead you to the really "bad" stuff: heroin, krokodil...

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